Compliance Program
We, at Votorantim Cimentos, prohibit the making of payments, as a bonus, facilitation or offering any advantage to public officials or government authorities for any purpose, including contribution in value, goods or services to campaigns, or political causes, as well as such as receiving and offering gifts, entertainment, hospitality and institutional invitations. Everyone must always respect the guidelines set out in the Code of Conduct.
Since 2013, we have maintained the Compliance Program with communication campaigns and training for all employees and directors, monitoring the effectiveness of the program and taking the necessary measures in case of violations or carelessness. In addition, we encourage the reporting of any suspected illegal acts through the Ethics Line and we do not accept reprisals of any kind. This channel, public and open to everyone, inside and outside the organization, ensures a way to make reports confidentially and anonymously. All reports are verified and directed in accordance with internal policies and current legislation.
Our programs and policies are constantly evolving, consolidating good practices and adapting to changes in our society.