Votorantim Cimentos was the winner of the award “Empresas Mais”, given by the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo and the Administration Institute Foundation (FIA), yesterday in São Paulo. The company was ranked first in the Mining and Cement category.
The award noted the most efficient and advanced companies in Brazil, taking into account the economic performance, best management practices , based on pre -determined criteria by the newspaper, FIA and Boa Vista Services . For the election of the winners, 1500 companies were analyzed in 23 sectors of the economy in all regions of the country.
For Walter Dissinger, Chief Executive Officer of Votorantim Cimentos, the award is an important recognition for the company, crowning the work developed this year: “We have a strong financial discipline, with a conservative debt profile and a culture that continuously seeks operational efficiency and have stepped up investments in innovation, in order to offer products that reduce the cost of the works of our customers”, says the executive.
The ceremony was attended by Joaquim Levy (Minister of Finance), Geraldo Alckmin (Governor of the State) and Francisco de Mesquita Neto (CEO of O Estado de S. Paulo).
Methodology – The financial aspects were analyzed, in addition to a holistic analysis of companies, and how results impact in meeting the strategic objectives of the organization and its stakeholders. To identify the sector highlights the FIA assessed the financial statements of 5,000 companies between 2011 and 2014. The winners were the companies that had the best “financial impact coefficient”, an indicator created by the FIA and considering both the result of the company as its size. The financial impact coefficient is an average of two indicators. The first assesses the size of the company and was calculated based on its revenues and total assets. The second refers to the performance of companies and considers the expansion of revenue and return on assets.